Welcome to the 2021 Americans for Prosperity-Montana Legislative Scorecard. The goal of this scorecard is simple: make government transparent to the people they represent.
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Americans for Prosperity is driven by a core belief: every person has unique gifts and talents that enable them to realize their full potential and live the American Dream.
Our vision is to remove the barriers preventing people from using their gifts and achieving that dream. Americans for Prosperity—Montana elevates the voices of thousands of Montanans to advocate for the principles and policies of a free and open society. We encourage and engage friends and neighbors to take an active role in building a culture of mutual benefit, where you succeed by helping others achieve success.
Through a broad-based grassroots outreach engagement, Americans For Prosperity—Montana is driving long- term solutions to some of our biggest challenges.
Too many Montanans are held back by government barriers or disincentives from finding and keeping a job; growing a business and achieving earned success. AFP-MT is working to create an economy that works for all—one that empowers individuals and helps
them realize their full potential. Government too often uses taxes, regulations and more recently emergency mandates that picks winners and losers. We must put this to end!
Freedom of expression and freedom of association is a fundamental American right and must be protected. This fundamental freedom is threatened in many public spaces, college campuses, on-line, in the media and in the political arena. AFP works to ensure that this first freedom is protected.
Approximately 95% of individuals in our state prisons will be release back into our communities at some point. AFP works to keep our communities safe and to ensure that every person has opportunity to learn from their mistakes, to work and to contribute and create value in our society.
Increasing health care access, lowering costs while improving patient outcomes for all Montanans particularly for rural citizens is key to a vibrant state. AFP works to ensure that patients have greater access through telehealth, direct primary care practitioners and healthcare sharing ministries.
AFP believes in a realistic and restrained foreign policy characterized by engagement in trade and diplomacy. We support military action as a last resort and only when our national interests are at stake, there is a clear and attainable mission and a coherent and sound plan to disengaged once our mission has been achieved. We partner with Concerned Veterans for America who raise up veteran and activists’ voices to persuade policy leaders to rethink and reform our foreign policy.
We believe that elected officials should support policies that remove barriers to individual success while providing greater opportunity. This scorecard is intended to educate the public about legislation and lawmakers voting records. Being informed allows you to be more effective in holding legislators accountable for their voting record
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