Key Vote Alert: Vote NO on The Bi-Partisan Budget Act of 2019

Jul 24, 2019 by AFP

Dear Legislators:

On behalf of Americans for Prosperity activists around the country, I urge you to oppose the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019 recently agreed to by the White House and congressional leadership.  This vote may be recorded in our 2019 session legislative scorecard.

The deal would raise discretionary spending levels by $324 billion over two years and suspend the debt limit through July 2021. But because it offsets only $55 billion in future mandatory spending reductions, it will add an additional $1.7 trillion to the national debt over the next 10 years.  This deal would only aggravate our spending and debt problem, making it more difficult to get discretionary spending under control and put us headlong into the Congressional Budget Office’s worst-case scenario where spending soars to 33 percent of GDP and debt spirals to 219 percent of GDP by 2049.

Using the debt ceiling as an excuse to blow up spending is as shameful as it is irresponsible.  The debt ceiling should be addressed.  But that means more than just simply waiving it and continuing to double down on spending.  Instead, it should be paired with real, meaningful reductions in spending.

Americans deserve lawmakers who will reject the budgeting-by-crisis cycle and fight for real fiscal responsibility.  Congress should consider a plan that either sticks with the spending caps, or allows for restrained growth in discretionary spending, and couple that with reforms to mandatory spending.

It is for these reasons that we respectfully ask you to oppose this budget deal.

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Brent Gardner

Chief Government Affairs Officer

Americans for Prosperity