Free speech is under attack!

The First Amendment protects and guarantees every American's rights that are the foundation of our country:

  • Freedom of religion
  • Freedom of speech
  • Freedom of the Press
  • Right to peaceably assemble
  • Right to petition the government

These civil liberties belong to every American.

They guard basic human rights against government censorship and empower every person to take stands to drive progress.

Join the movement to protect the constitutional speech rights of all Americans.

Subscribe to learn more about how to protect free speech and get alerted when opportunities come up and defend your freedoms.

Americans for Prosperity defends your First Amendment freedoms.

We protect the right of every American to speak their mind, come together in protest, report the news and access information, share diverse perspectives, and hold those in power to account.

And we still have work to do!

4 in 10
Report keeping quiet
40% of Americans today report keeping quiet. They are more afraid to express their true beliefs today than people were during the McCarthyism of the 1950s.
Afraid to protest
Today, 43% of Americans feel less secure about their freedom to protest than they did just two years ago.
Fear losing their job
One-third of Americans say that they are personally worried about losing their jobs or missing out on career opportunities if they express their real political opinions.
Restrict free speech
Nine in ten public universities restrict speech through unconstitutional speech codes.

American democracy is strongest when its citizens can think, speak, and work together freely to discover new solutions to the challenges facing our country.

Join us today as we build a movement of people from across the country to protect civil liberties and promote civil debate.

Defend free speech on college campuses
Free expression and academic freedom are the fundamental building blocks of learning, debate, and discovery. These freedoms clear the way for students and scholars to engage with new ideas and with each other.
Freely express ideas online
Technology has made it possible for people – more than any time in human history — to share knowledge, stand up for their beliefs, and build an audience for their viewpoints. Applying the principles of free speech to the digital world allows people to fully realize the benefits of online innovations.
Protect protest rights
Protesting our government is a hallmark of America. Citizens have the right to peacefully and powerfully stand alongside others to express their beliefs.
Exercise religious liberties
Freedom of belief, conscience, and religious exercise are vital to people’s ability to live out their beliefs and society’s ability to grow and thrive.
Preserve people’s privacy
People shouldn’t have to choose between speaking out and staying safe. Associational privacy makes it possible for people to join together and advocate for causes they believe in without being intimidated or threatened.
Cancel cancel culture
Free speech goes beyond the First Amendment. Factors other than government censorship can silence people. Embracing civil debate make it possible to take on challenging discussions with courage and respect in order to overcome the challenges our country faces.

Join the movement to protect the rights of all Americans