‘Dear Congress’:

It’s time for Washington to make life more affordable for all Americans

The 118th Congress has an important choice to make

As the new year ramps up, Congress has a choice: will they stick with the status quo?

Or will they fix the economic crisis hurting Americans?

Inflation, overspending, overregulation — for too long our lawmakers have used political theater and partisan gridlock as excuses for their failure to address these problems plaguing our economy.

How Congress can make life more affordable

Americans want an agenda that will lower prices and help them keep more of their hard-earned dollars.

AFP’s ‘Dear Congress’ campaign offers three solutions Congress can enact to make life more affordable:

  1. Lower inflation through better budgeting
  2. Remove barriers to domestic energy production
  3. Increase opportunities for fulfilling work

Get the details of these solutions today.

By passing an actual budget, unleashing American ingenuity, and freeing up members of our workforce to utilize their talents where and when they want to, we can get our economy roaring again.

How you can join other concerned citizens in the ‘Dear Congress’ campaign

Sign the letter below to tell your lawmakers they need to focus on the right priorities — it’s time to end the disconnect between what Americans need and what lawmakers want.

Let them know today.

Sign the letter