Casey Knudsen is one of Montana’s strongest supporters of freedom and strongest critics of government growth in the Montana legislature. Over the course of his 11 years as a legislator he has gotten well over half of his sponsored bills enacted.
Knudsen is running for re-election as the Representative of District 33 against Jordan Ophus.
Knudsen isn’t one to stand idly by when Montana’s laws are hurting citizens.
In 2019, Knudsen introduced and passed an incredibly important piece of legislation that took away the power of Montana’s Motor Vehicle Division to suspend driver’s licenses of those who were unable to pay off court debt.
Why? Because the punishment didn’t fit the crime. People who hadn’t committed crimes related to road safety were having their ability to legally drive to work and support their families taken away. Knudsen’s legislation stopped this penalty-on-poverty in its tracks and it’s only one of many ways he’s supported meaningful criminal justice reform in Montana.
Knudsen also supported legislation that established a compensation program for those wrongfully convicted and voted for a bill that lowers probationary periods.
Knudsen understands that parents know what is best for their children and should have as many options and opportunities as possible when it comes to their education.
In the last legislative session, Knudsen supported introducing education savings accounts to Montana. Both of these bills are vital to families, students, and educators receiving the educational flexibility they deserve across Montana.
Knudsen’s voting record shows his appreciation for the free market being the best regulator of business — not the government. Knudsen has consistently voted for more regulatory freedom for businesses and opened up more opportunities for innovation.
As Speaker Pro Tempore, Knudsen played a significant role in advancing bills that protected individual rights and checked the authority of the governor and health boards during states of emergency.
Paid for by Americans for Prosperity
Emily Seidel, CEO, 205 Haggerty Lane, Bozeman, MT 59715.
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