When it Comes to Fixing Health Care, Florida’s Speaker of the House Has Four Great Ideas

Mar 13, 2019 by AFP

Last week, Florida Speaker of the House Jose Oliva opened the 2019 legislative session with bold plans for fixing health care in the Sunshine State.

“But great clouds have formed above us. An eminent financial and human threat. I speak of course of our health care system,” Oliva said as he addressed the new state legislature last week. “Nothing is a great financial threat to the public and private coffers alike as is health care. Today, we spend almost more on health care than we do on all other things combined. Still, hundreds of thousands go without.”

So, how does Speaker Oliva’s plan going to address these threats?

For starters, Oliva wants to provide Floridians with more health care options and tap into the power of technology to help more people access the care they need. Here are four ideas Oliva put forth to make health care more accessible and affordable.

  • Repeal certificate-of-need laws that limit the expansion of new practices and services, especially in rural areas.
  • Expand access to technologies such as telemedicine.
  • Allow nurse practitioners to take on more responsibilities that they’ve already been trained to perform.
  • Provide better access and control over health savings accounts for flexible health care.

Oliva stressed that “no single policy will be the solution. A truly comprehensive approach is what is required.”

Americans for Prosperity supports Speaker Oliva’s innovative plan, and stands ready to help Florida lead the way on expanding new approaches to health care that give patients more access to care they can afford!

Read the rest of Florida Speaker Jose Oliva’s plans to fix health care woes.