We all want our children to succeed. And we know the key to that success is a quality education.
But for many of America’s children, that success is too often based on their family’s income level and zip code. They find themselves stuck in schools that underperform or simply fail to address their individual needs.
What’s more, our education system makes it very difficult for families and educators to work together to develop solutions that work for individual children.
Students require educational solutions as diverse and unique as they are. The one-size-fits-all approach allows too many to fall through the cracks.
The answer? Educational freedom.
Families should have a wide array of options to select the best education for their kids. Whether it be through the public school down the street, private or charter schools, homeschooling virtual school or a host of other options, every family should have the freedom to choose the right type of education for their children.
Educational opportunity is the right solution for students, for educators, and for families.
National School Choice Week, we hope you’ll stand with us to support educational freedom and opportunity for America’s students. Sign the petition to support access to quality education for our children.
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