Collective bargaining, or forced union contracts, gives government unions exclusive rights over negotiating employment contracts for public employees. This leads to less transparency for constituents when it comes to the policymaking decisions that impact the availability of services, quality of public services provided, and the price taxpayers pay to be afforded these services including everything from public education to public safety.
Union bargaining contracts remove all accountability because constituents are unable to evaluate the services they receive or to provide helpful feedback. Instead, unions negotiate all their work agreements and bargain for their benefits collectively without consideration for performance. Compensation and benefits are how the government should reward and motivate these employees that fill crucial roles in our community to perform at their best. It also strips away the worker’s voice when it comes to feedback or how they may operate to create greater value for those that they serve.
The Commonwealth of Virginia does not have collective bargaining. However, lawmakers passed legislation that haphazardly gives counties and local governments the ability to authorize forced union contracts for government employees in their local jurisdictions as of May 1st. This is BAD NEWS for government employees, taxpayers, and citizens of counties that choose to adopt collective bargaining ordinances.
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