Americans for Prosperity New Hampshire Community Engagement Director Sarah Scott | Foster’s Daily Democrat
In New Hampshire, we have a lot of reasons to be optimistic about the direction our economy is going. Record-low unemployment, record-high workforce participation, record-high revenue from business taxes, and top economic growth in the region make for an environment of opportunity that is lifting Granite Staters up the economic ladder.
Gov. Chris Sununu’s veto of a bill that would have raised the state’s minimum wage provides another boost.
Backers of the increase are well-intentioned. But the outcome of raising the minimum wage would be the opposite of their stated desire – fewer jobs and less opportunity.
Many business owners take chances by hiring entry-level workers. In assuming this risk, they give some of the youngest and most vulnerable an opportunity to enter a new field and gain valuable knowledge that will assist them in their pursuit of career goals.
Raising the minimum wage would make that much harder.
There are better ways to help workers than pricing them out of the labor market. Instead of raising the minimum wage, we should consider more constructive alternatives such as tax and regulatory reforms, and the elimination of many occupational licensing requirements.
These are solutions that will set less-experienced workers up for future success and higher wages. Our state’s policy should empower them to utilize their unique talents so that they have the best opportunity to find fulfillment in their work, provide for their families and grow in a career.
Gov. Sununu should be applauded for taking the road less traveled in vetoing SB 10, and we encourage him and state legislators to pursue policies that will eliminate other barriers that block the path to success.
Sarah Scott is community engagement director at Americans for Prosperity in Portsmouth.
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