ICYMI: Ex-Democrat Rep. Tricia Cotham & Tyler Voigt Celebrate North Carolina’s Progress on Education Freedom

May 8, 2023 by AFP

Raleigh, North Carolina—On Sunday, Americans for Prosperity-North Carolina (AFP-NC) Deputy State Director Tyler Voigt and Representative Tricia Cotham published a guest essay in National Review Online celebrating the Old North State’s embrace of choice and freedom in K-12 education.

In the coming weeks, the North Carolina legislature is poised to pass “Choose Your School, Choose Your Future” and remove many of the burdensome requirements that prevented North Carolina students from participating in the state’s Opportunity Scholarship program.

Cotham and Voigt write:

North Carolina has been experimenting with, and embracing, school choice for years. Low-income families have qualified for the Opportunity Scholarship program, but the program has had its limitations — until now. Upon passage of Senate Bill 406, the program will be open to all students in North Carolina. Families that have decided that their local public school isn’t the best fit for their children will have access to funds to help with nonpublic-school tuition, and they also will be able to use the money for transportation, books, and other school supplies.  Depending on a family’s income, students will be eligible to receive up to $7,200 a year toward their education.

All students deserve an education tailored to their needs, and different students thrive in different types of learning environments. It only makes sense to give families maximum support and flexibility to find the best options for their kids. In our diverse culture, specialized economy, and interconnected communities today, a one-size-fits-all model of education doesn’t make sense.

You can read more on the benefits of expanding Opportunity Scholarship eligibility, especially for lower-income and minority students here.