This week was a productive week in the state legislature on all fronts. Two health care bills, SB 1526 and SB 1712, both made substantial progress by passing the Senate Appropriations Committee. Each will now move to the Senate Floor. SB 1526 is in support of telehealth medicine that would expand access to potentially lifesaving products and services. SB 1712, a bill to repeal certificate of need (CON) regulations, would be significant progress for Floridians to more easily access quality health care Breaking down artificial barriers to care, like CON, is an issue that our chapter has been proudly championing this session and are excited for the progress this legislation has made.
On the education front, SB 7070 is making its way to the Senate floor. This bill would provide more Florida children with the opportunity to receive an education that fits their individualized learning needs through the creation of scholarship accounts, which would allow families to choose the educational pathway that fits their child’s unique needs.
Lastly, SB 642, also known as the “Florida First Step Act,” has also passed its last committee stop and is ready for the Senate Floor for a full vote. This legislation is a great “first step” in providing needed criminal justice reform to Florida.
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