Americans for Prosperity’s Vision: A Letter to New Jersey Lawmakers

Dec 4, 2018 by AFP

Dear Senator / Assembly Member:

Over the last year, our Network has embarked on launching a new vision to unite all of our state chapters and partners in the various states we work in. You may have noticed Americans for Prosperity began to engage on issues outside of the traditional economic base. While economics is still a priority issue, we have realized this alone is not capable to move us to a society of equal rights and mutual benefit. It is also why I write to you today to share our vision with you moving forward:

“Our Network breaks barriers that stand in the way of people realizing their potential. This moves our society toward one of mutual benefit, where people succeed by helping others improve their lives.”

To realize this vision, we strive to build movements of millions by inspiring and equipping principled social-change entrepreneurs to bring us closer to a society of mutual benefit by eliminating injustice of all kinds. We stand by our principles at whatever cost, with a commitment to unite with anybody willing to dedicate themselves to any of these goals.

When evaluating any policy, we look at four key principles: Openness, Equal Rights, Mutual Benefits, and Self-Actualization. Does a piece of legislation demonstrate openness or is it protectionist in nature? Does the bill apply equally to all people? Does it allow for individuals to operate in a system of mutual benefit, where they can create value for one another? Also, does the legislation allow the individual to achieve their greatest potential?

  • Equal Rights: A system of equal rights–articulated in the Declaration of Independence–requires respect for the dignity of all people and equality under the law.
  • Mutual Benefit: When the values and laws of society respect the dignity of individuals and uphold their rights, people succeed by creating value for others, motivating them to assist rather than harm one another.
  • Openness: Equal rights and mutual benefit foster openness by allowing the free movement of ideas, resources, and people that generate knowledge, innovation, and opportunity, fueling progress throughout society.
  • Self-Actualization: For such a society to exist, its key institutions–education, communities, business, government–remove rather than erect barriers to people realizing their potential and finding fulfillment. As more people have the opportunity to use their unique talents to succeed by helping others improve their lives, society flourishes.

To achieve a free society, we must make sure we have a system of equal rights where laws are justly applied to all people. This means we will engage in criminal justice reform not only through a means of legislation, but Network Partners like Safe Streets and Second Chances working directly in the institutions of business and community.

When laws are justly applied, people are free to engage in mutual benefit. Making sure that profits are justly earned and not done through rent-seeking behaviors or creating special regulations which cause harm to others in the marketplace. This includes engaging in communities with our Network Partner Youth Entrepreneurs to help bright young minds achieve their potential.

Frederick Douglas said: “I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.” We take that seriously.


Erica L. Jedynak

New Jersey State Director