Americans For Prosperity – Kentucky Releases Legislative Scorecard

Oct 19, 2022 by AFP

Highlights Rep. Dan Fister, Rep. Ken Fleming, and Sen. Donald Douglas

FRANKFORT, KY — Americans for Prosperity – Kentucky (AFP-KY) today released its 2022 Legislative Scorecard, highlighting state lawmakers’ votes during the past legislative session. The full Scorecard downloadable PDF is available here or at

AFP-KY Coalitions Director Nikki Rothwell released the following statement:

“The legislative scorecard is an opportunity to highlight our policy champions and provide voters with transparent information about how their lawmakers voted. Looking to the next legislative session, AFP-KY is eager to engage our grassroot activists and work with policymakers to break barriers for all Kentuckians.”

What three of our Policy Champions have to say:

“Our friends at Americans for Prosperity (AFP) have truly made a big difference in and advocated for the shift in fiscal policy Kentucky has seen since 2017. It has been my pleasure to join in the fight to lower our state income taxes (HB8), to increase education opportunities (HB9), and a long list of other bills that promoted fiscally responsible ideas. Thank you AFP for your help and support and I look forward to working with you in the future.” — Rep. Dan Fister (R-56) 

“I look forward to working with all the members of Americans for Prosperity. As your senator, I will continue to follow the Kentucky constitution for limited government by limiting and reducing unnecessary regulations and laws to allow our economy to flourish. I will work with AFP and the General Assembly to improve the education system for our students statewide. I will work with our state law enforcement officers to restore safety in our neighborhoods and Federal officials to protect our borders.” — Sen. Donald Douglas (R-22) 

“Two pillars of our state are economic development and education. With input from American for Prosperity, we are putting more money in Kentuckians pockets by lowering the personal income tax, finding solutions to increase workforce participation, fighting inflationary spending and reinvesting taxpayers money with record funding for education. I look forward to working with AFP and others as we continue to strengthen these two pillars.” — Rep. Ken Fleming (R-48) 

The KY scorecard was based on votes on the following 6 bills:

Charter School Pilot Projects (HB 9): This law provides funding for charter schools and creates Charter School pilots in Louisville and parts of Northern Kentucky. Charter Schools allow families, regardless of income or ZIP code, to ensure their children receive an education that meets their needs. (Support)

Anti-Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) (HB 222): This law allows judges to throw out complaints filed to intimidate individuals and deter them from speaking out in public forums. Lawsuits like this can turn into expensive legal battles used to silence whistleblowers, journalists, and political protestors. (Support)

Expungement (SB 33): This bill would have allowed individuals to secure an expungement of their criminal record for a second or third offense. Individuals should be given a chance to put the mistakes of their past behind them and rejoin communities with dignity. (Support)

Tax Reform (HB 8): This law reduces the individual income tax rate to 4% for taxable years beginning on or after Jan 1, 2023 and provides a further rate reduction in future years if certain thresholds of total general fund receipts are exceeded. (Support)

Medical Cannabis (HB 136): This bill would have established a medicinal cannabis program to allow patients with legitimate medical needs to access innovative treatments under the supervision of a medical professional. (Support)

Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Reform (SB 90): This law creates a behavioral health conditional dismissal pilot program to provide eligible incarcerated individuals to receive treatment for a behavioral health disorder, including substance abuse disorder, instead of incarceration. (Support)