Americans for Prosperity Arkansas Releases Annual Legislative Scorecard

Oct 4, 2023 by AFP

Little Rock, AR—Today, Americans for Prosperity-Arkansas (AFP-AR) released its annual scorecard highlighting key legislative action on economic progress, foundational education, and healthcare.  

The scorecard can be found by visiting

AFP-AR State Director Ryan Norris released the following statement: 

“All thirteen of the bills scored in our report were signed and enacted into law. This is a huge win for our grassroots supporters who mobilized activity around key votes that ensure every Arkansan can live in a more free and prosperous community. 

“We’re thankful to partner with policy champions in our state to advance meaningful solutions and hope residents utilize the scorecard as an accountability tool to understand how their representatives voted.” 

The scorecard consists of 13 bills including the following top 3 priorities for AFP-AR: 

The LEARNS Act; to Amend Various Provisions of the Arkansas Code as they Relate to Early Childhood through Grade 12 Education (S.B. 294): Maximizes education choices for families by creating an Education Savings Account (ESA) program, expanding statewide open enrollment, and creating transportation grants. Also invests in literacy, individual tutoring, and teacher raises. 

Reduce the Income Tax Rates Applicable to Individuals, Trusts, Estates, and Corporations (S.B. 549): Reduces the top individual, estate, and trust income tax rates to 4.7% and corporate tax rates to 5.1%.

Create the Automatic Occupational Licensure for Out-of-state Licensure Act (S.B. 90): A method of universal recognition for certain occupational licenses, attracting much needed workers into the Arkansas economy.  
