AUSTIN, TX—As the Texas Legislative Budget Board reviews agencies’ budget requests, Americans for Prosperity-Texas (AFP-TX) and The LIBRE Initiative released a joint statement of encouragement for members’ consideration. In a joint statement, the grassroots organizations signaled their support for prioritized government spending no greater than the growth of population plus inflation.
AFP-TX Policy Director Samuel Sheetz issued the following statement:
“With Texas businesses and families taking a significant financial hit as a result of the unprecedented pandemic, what matters most is ensuring they can make ends meet. The last thing Texans want – or can afford—is to have more of their hard-earned paychecks taken away. For several budget cycles, Texas leaders have fought hard to limit government growth. Our activists thank them for their leadership and encourage that responsible trend to continue.”
The LIBRE Initiative Coalitions Director Jorge Martinez echoed Sheetz’s sentiments:
“Our communities across the state are first and foremost focused on providing for their families. To ensure that’s possible in these difficult times, we are taking a hard look at our own budgets and making the cuts necessary to survive. Likewise, the Texas Legislature should continue the hard work they’ve previously shown in adopting a fiscally responsible state budget. Our community members look forward to working with them in securing another win for taxpayers.”
For further information or an interview, reach Nicole Tardif at or Israel Ortega at
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