AFP-WV Key Vote Alert: Support HJR 102, Clarifying that the policy-making and rule-making authority of the State Board of Education is subject to legislative review

Feb 3, 2022 by AFP

On behalf Americans for Prosperity activists across West Virginia, I urge you to support on HJR 102, Clarifying that the policy-making and rule-making authority of the State Board of Education is subject to legislative review, approval, amendment or rejection. This vote may be recorded in our 2022 session legislative scorecard.

The purpose of this resolution is to propose a Constitutional Amendment to clarify that the rules and policies promulgated by the State Board of Education are subject to legislative review, approval, amendments, or rejection.  This proposal would be voted on in the 2022 general election.

West Virginia is a national leader in education policy, and lawmakers should seek to expand flexibility in our education system by removing needless regulatory barriers that hold public school teachers back from innovating and providing students the individualized education they deserve.  By giving the legislature rulemaking review authority pertaining to rules promulgated by the State Board of Education, we are not only increasing accountability in education, but also amplifying the voices of all West Virginians who vote for the members of their legislature and trust them to represent their priorities in the statehouse.

It is for these reasons we respectfully ask you to support HJR 102.