Arlington, Va. – Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s remarks in his first address to the joint session of Congress, which marks his first 100 days in office:
“President Biden’s remarks on key economic issues reflect a top-down, command-and-control approach to policy that will unfortunately only make things worse. We can rebuild our economy, improve the way we do infrastructure, and address other critical needs without more regulations, massive tax increases, and trillions in new spending. There’s a better way.
“Instead of putting Washington at the center of every problem, we should empower people from the bottom up to develop solutions that work best for their communities. That means keeping tax burdens low so Americans can keep more of what they earn, removing regulatory barriers that make it harder for people to innovate, and smarter spending that allocates resources to areas of greatest need while reducing the debt burden on future generations.
“Asking the federal government to step in to solve every problem is a recipe for a lot more problems. Washington should close the book on the top-down approach and start opening their eyes to what can be accomplished from the bottom-up.”
Since the outset of the pandemic, Americans for Prosperity has advocated alternative solutions to help the economy recover stronger from the pandemic, while at the same time warning against harmful policies that would hinder recovery
At the beginning of the year, the grassroots group also released the “Save Lives. Save Livelihoods. Recover Stronger.” policy agenda to focus Congress and the Biden administration’s attention during the first 100 days on two of the biggest challenges facing Americans: ending the pandemic and helping the economy recover stronger.
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