Taxpayer-Funded Bailout

AFP-NJ to Lawmakers: Oppose Nuclear Bailouts!

Mar 5, 2018 by AFP

Monday, March 5, 2018

Dear Senator / Assembly Member:

On behalf of more than 137,000 Americans for Prosperity activists in New Jersey, I write to you in opposition to the proposal for nuclear subsidies for New Jersey’s power plants. After numerous iterations of the same proposal, it should be rather clear that the people of the Garden State steadfastly oppose efforts to provide corporate welfare to nuclear generators in the state.

Rigging the market to satisfy unsubstantiated claims of a private company is inexcusable and under no circumstances should be the policy of the state. Additionally, the sheer magnitude of the subsidy, over $3.4 billion over 10 years, should be reason enough for this bad idea to by discarded once and for all.

Furthermore, it is middle-class families and the least fortunate in our state who will have to carry a disproportionate burden of these subsidies, only to artificially raise the profits of an uncompetitive firm.  You should be aware that there are currently over 344,00 households experiencing an unaffordable energy burden in our state, and this egregious corporate welfare proposal will only contribute to make this problem worse.

It is deeply unfortunate that the legislature insists in bringing up a proposal that would penalize businesses and residents with a new tax on their electricity bills.

Essentially, this new wave of subsidies would hurt the economy by making it more difficult for commercial and industrial customers to stay competitive. According to Dennis Hart, Executive Director of the Chemistry Council of New Jersey, electricity rates in the state are the 11th highest in nation, 30% above national average for residential ratepayers; and the 9th highest, 54% above the national average for industry. A new tax would further burden consumers, business, and the state without justification or benefit.

Rather than embracing a corporate welfare policy that would rig the marketplace and raise costs, the legislature should embrace a long-term view of this complex issue and let the Board of Public Utilities and PJM interconnection do their jobs in assuring the reliability of the state electricity grid.

New Jersey should continue to make intelligent decisions about our electricity system as it was market forces, and not government intervention, that led to the spectacular emission decline in the past decade.

On behalf of Americans for Prosperity and taxpayers across the state, I respectfully urge you to please oppose handing out unfair subsidies to nuclear power plants.

If you or your staff would like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to reach out directly at 862-229-4953. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Erica L. Jedynak

New Jersey State Director

Americans for Prosperity