AFP-NC Unveils 2023 Legislative Agenda

Jan 12, 2023 by AFP

Raleigh, North Carolina—Today Americans for Prosperity-North Carolina (AFP-NC) announced its legislative agenda for the 2023 long legislative session.

Titled “A North Star for the Old North State”, the legislative agenda outlines AFP-NC’s top five priorities for this session:

  • Foundational education reform, including expanding education options for North Carolina’s students.
  • Economic reform, including reforming the state’s tax structure to ensure taxes are fair, low, and predictable.
  • Health care reform, including changing existing regulations that limit health care options and prevent North Carolinians from taking advantage of innovative health care advancements.
  • Protecting free speech by promoting viewpoint diversity and reforming laws that make it easy for individuals to file frivolous defamation lawsuits.
  • Criminal justice reforms, including protecting due process and ending the state’s prohibition on cannabis consumption.

AFP-NC Legislative Liaison Dalton Clark made the following statement after grassroots group released its agenda:

“The opportunities lawmakers have this session are as varied as they are historic. From expanding education opportunities, to reforming taxes, to protecting and expanding health care options, there is a bright future on the horizon for North Carolinians. These are the bold reforms that voters expect from their elected leaders. With these opportunities, North Carolina could blaze a trail in the south east and continue to build on an already strong economy with smart legislation that expands freedom and protects taxpayers.”

AFP-NC will educate lawmakers and the public about these priorities and the solutions that will better life in the Old North State.

Find the full agenda here.
