AFP-MI to Michigan Legislature: “Don’t Drop Asset Tests for Food Stamps”

Jun 28, 2023 by AFP

LANSING, MICHIGAN—Americans for Prosperity-Michigan urged lawmakers to maintain the state’s current eligibility requirements to access the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as SNAP.

The Michigan House passed Senate Bill 35, sponsored by Sen. Jeff Irwin (D-15) to drop asset tests to access the federal food stamps program. Currently, Michiganders are eligible for food stamps if they have under $15,000 in liquid assets, not including the value of their home and their first household vehicle.

AFP-MI State Director Annie Patnaude gave the following statement after issuing a Key Vote Alert to lawmakers urging them to vote “NO” on the bill:

“Michigan Democrats are showing just how irresponsible and out of touch they are by putting this measure forward. Other states can and do maintain reasonable eligibility requirements to access SNAP, which is simply good stewardship of taxpayer dollars. By removing asset tests and increasing the chance for fraud and abuse in the program, Democrats are weakening the social safety net and adding to federal spending. We’re endangering the integrity of the program as we’re increasing unfunded government spending.”