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AFP: Mayor Beutler Should Reject Recommendation to Raise Taxes

Jan 11, 2018 by AFP

Grassroots organization opposes Citizen Transportation Coalition’s recommendation to raise taxes

LINCOLN, Nebr. – Americans for Prosperity-Nebraska on Thursday called on Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler to reject the Citizens Transportation Coalition’s recommendation to raise the local option sales tax.

“Simply put, the Coalition’s proposal would raise the local option sales tax in Lincoln to the tune of $20 to $28 million annually – that’s roughly $70 to $100 per resident. Lincolnites already pay more than their fair share to fund Lincoln’s transportation needs and we encourage Mayor Beutler and the City Council to reject a tax increase,” said AFP Regional Director Brad Stevens.

“It is alarming the Coalition’s recommendation ignored the fact that Lincolnites are already paying more to fund transportation needs after the Legislature increased the state gas tax, which went into effect on January 1st,” Stevens continued. “Such disregard demonstrates why the Citizens Transportation Coalition should go back to the drawing board and craft a proposal that doesn’t compound the financial burden on our citizens.”