AFP-LA Praises Defeat of Gas Tax, Refocuses on Standstill Budget

May 31, 2017 by AFP
No vote on gas tax hike in House after strong opposition from Louisianans, real work just beginning.

BATON ROUGE – Americans for Prosperity – Louisiana (AFP-LA), the leading grassroots advocate working against raising the gas tax, is claiming victory for halting a proposed gas tax hike. AFP-LA volunteers made their opposition clear to lawmakers by going door-to-door, attending town halls, making calls, and sending emails.

AFP-LA State Director John Kay said, “AFP activists across the state should be elated by this victory, it’s theirs. The House simply listened to the citizens of Louisiana and refused to raise taxes again. Now, we will immediately refocus our efforts to making sure that the Senate passes a standstill budget.”

The Louisiana House of Representatives already passed a standstill budget, meaning the government budget would not grow any larger. The grassroots organization will now refocus all phone banking and door canvassing to inform citizens about government living within its means. AFP-LA will encourage volunteers to call on Louisiana Senators, demanding they continue House efforts to halt government growth and deliver a standstill budget.

Kay added, “Defeating the gas tax is a major accomplishment, but sending a standstill budget to Governor Edwards would prove that the legislature is listening to Louisianans.”