AFP-KS Releases New Poll Finding the Majority of Kansans Want Budget Surplus Returned to Taxpayers

Jan 16, 2024 by AFP

AFP Found Nearly 60% of Kansans Across the State Want a Simple, Single-Rate Tax

Topeka, KS—Today, Americans for Prosperity-Kansas (AFP-KS) released new polling results which show nearly six-in-ten voters favor changing the state’s current complicated income tax to a single-rate tax system. AFP-KS has been advocating for a simple single-rate tax on its Prosperity Express Tour alongside Senate President Ty Masterson and Speaker of the House Dan Hawkins.

The survey reflects opinions from registered voters across the state, covering 600 interviews from January 4-7, 2024, with a margin of error of +4.0%. AFP-KS also found in its research that once those surveyed received more information on tax simplification through the single-rate plan, favorability increased to nearly 67%.

AFP-KS State Director, Elizabeth Patton, made the following statement:

“Hardworking Kansans deserve tax relief and that begins with reforming our current complicated system. Rather than selectively picking policies in Governor Kelly’s proposed bill, voters overwhelming want state lawmakers to enact commonsense tax reform through a simple, single-rate system so they can have the maximum amount of savings.”

AFP-KS Survey Key Findings:

  • Inflation and the cost of living is the top issue for voters ranking at 25% of those surveyed.
  • 58% of voters favor the single-rate tax system change, including over one-quarter (27%) strongly favoring this proposal. The proposal receives strong support from Republicans (67%), has majority support from Independents (56%), and 45% of Democrats.
  • A majority (52%) of voters who approve of Laura Kelly as Governor also favor changing the tax system. Nearly three-quarters of voters (73%) who disapprove of Governor Kelly are in favor of the proposed change.

The single-rate tax plan is the best option for Kansans looking to keep more money in their pockets, especially at a time where inflation is making the American dream more unaffordable. Today’s poll results demonstrate bipartisan support for a single-rate plan and AFP-KS urges lawmakers to react to the findings.

Kansans are encouraged to visit to utilize the calculator to compare their current tax rate based on income with the proposed single-rate plan.
