Gavel on Law Book

AFP Grassroots Activists Lead Efforts to Confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court

Aug 10, 2018 by AFP

In the three weeks since President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill Justice Kennedy’s seat on the Supreme Court, Americans for Prosperity grassroots activists across 36 states have been energized and mobilized.

AFP has committed seven-figures-worth of digital, television and radio ads and has deployed the full force of our grassroots capabilities to ensure Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the bench.

Already, AFP’s grassroots army has made nearly one million voter contacts, through an array of community events, and outreach through door knocking and phone calls.

In Indiana alone, AFP activists have made more than 84,000 phone calls and knocked on thousands of doors.

Activists are educating members of the community on the importance of confirming a restrained jurist to the Supreme Court who will interpret the law as written. They’re also urging the people they speak with to contact their U.S. senators to support Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Last year, AFP activists were highly engaged in the fight to confirm Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. In 2017, AFP activists made 350,000 overall contacts for Gorsuch.

Americans for Prosperity – Indiana State Director Justin Stevens stated, “ Hoosiers someone [on the Court] who will interpret the Constitution as written, not rule from the bench.”

Stevens expects AFP activists around the country to surpass the number of contacts made for Gorsuch in their efforts to confirm Kavanaugh this year.

In the days ahead, AFP activists will continue to lead the charge to see Kavanaugh confirmed to our nation’s highest court.

Urge your senators to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court immediately!