AFP-GA to House Study Committee on Certificate of Need Reform: “Stay Focused on CON”

Nov 16, 2023 by AFP

Committee Hearing Today on Medicaid Expansion Distracts Committee from its True Task 

Atlanta, Georgia—Today the Georgia House Study Committee on Certificate of Need (CON) Reform heard testimony from out-of-state experts on Medicaid Expansion. Witnesses from Arkansas testified before the CON Study Committee about the supposed benefits of expanding Medicaid in the Peach State. 

Americans for Prosperity-Georgia (AFP-GA) has testified repeatedly before lawmakers about how repealing Georgia’s antiquated Certificate of Need law would reduce health care costs and expand medical access for patients in the Peach State, especially in rural areas.  

After the Committee surprised Georgians with today’s testimony on Medicaid Expansion, AFP-GA State Director Tony West expressed disappointment on the committee’s apparent distraction: 

“Today’s testimony on Medicaid Expansion is not only outside the scope of the Committee’s jurisdiction, but also a transparent attempt to include poison pills in future legislation to repeal CON in Georgia. 

“AFP-GA opposes Medicaid Expansion because it is bad for patients and taxpayers, and we urge the Committee to get back to work and stay focused on CON repeal. Entertaining unserious proposals to expand Medicaid alongside CON repeal is a disservice to Georgians and will make it that much harder to increase competition, reduce health care costs, and expand medical access in the Peach State. 
