Americans for Prosperity Press Release

AFP Endorses the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act

Apr 21, 2021 by AFP

Arlington, Va. – Today, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) endorsed bipartisan legislation introduced by Senators Ron Wyden, Rand Paul, Patrick Leahy and Mike Lee aimed at ending the legal loopholes that allow for warrantless surveillance on Americans. The Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act closes major loopholes in federal privacy law and ensures the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which regulates law enforcement access to Americans’ information, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which regulates intelligence agencies, are the exclusive means by which the government can surveil Americans.

AFP Senior Policy Analyst Jeremiah Mosteller issued the following statement:

“We can keep Americans safe while ensuring that government is accountable to its citizens. The Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act accomplishes this by eliminating loopholes in federal law that have allowed federal agencies to purchase private data on millions of Americans without a court order or warrant. We deserve laws that protect our most basic privacy rights, and applaud Senators Wyden, Paul, Leahy and Lee for pushing Congress to act. We urge members to support this legislation and end the warrantless surveillance that has robbed so many Americans of their fundamental rights.”

AFP recently joined an ideologically diverse coalition of groups in a letter urging Congress to restore reasonable limits on surveillance by federal agencies and respect the Fourth Amendment rights of all Americans.