ARLINGTON, VA—Americans for Prosperity’s Senior Fellow in Fiscal Policy Kurt Couchman made the following statement on House Republicans’ plan to raise the debt limit while cutting federal spending:
“Americans for Prosperity commends the House Republican Conference for making a responsible debt limit offer. This legislation would prevent default this year while reducing the risk of default in years to come. It would reduce bloated and wasteful spending, remove barriers to prosperity, and advance the conversation on the need for healthier budget practices.
“As the process moves from proposals to negotiations, greater attention to solutions for today’s budget dysfunction will become more important. The time for posturing is over. Republicans have offered a serious proposal. Senate Democrats and the Biden Administration need to stop playing games and come to the table.”
Americans for Prosperity continues to urge the 118th Congress to examine how we got to the brink of the current debt crisis and fix what is really broken: Washington’s budget process. You can learn about solutions to the debt challenges our country is facing in AFP’s Agenda to End Budget Brinkmanship.
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