Governor Evers' Budget is Wrong for Wisconsin

X Higher Taxes

X More Wasteful Government Spending

X Less Education Freedom

Join AFP-Wisconsin instead to fight for a better budget and a better future for Wisconsin.

Call 608-205-4302 and Tell Gov. Evers His Budget will Hurt Wisconsin Students, Families & Workers

The good news is you can help us fight back against this bad budget.

Tell your Legislator: Wisconsin can’t afford Governor Evers’ proposed budget!

Governor Evers’ budget would make it more expensive to live and work in our state and take away opportunities from Wisconsin students.

We need to make sure our legislature stands strong against Evers’ irresponsible budget that increases taxes and spending, freezes education opportunities for our students, and takes away worker freedom!

Together, we can make sure that the state legislature passes a budget that lowers our taxes, provides our students with the opportunity of a brighter future, and protects the rights of workers!

Make sure your legislator knows we can’t afford Governor Evers’ proposed budget

Click Here to Help Reject Evers’ Budget

Join us to fight for tax cuts, brighter futures for our kids, & to protect our worker freedom!

We are building a movement across Wisconsin to stand up against Governor Evers’ irresponsible budget.

Sign up today to join us in this movement to help make sure Governor Evers’ reckless budget proposal does not impact our Wisconsin way of life!

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Oppose Evers’ Tax Hikes

It’s been a tough year for Wisconsin families. The last thing we need right now is a budget that hikes taxes and makes it more difficult to buy our kids a new pair of gym shoes or pay our property taxes. But that’s exactly what Governor Evers is proposing.

To add insult to injury, his proposed budget will increase our taxes while giving taxpayer-funded handouts to well-connected big business and special interests, at our expense.

We need a budget that lowers taxes, funds our priorities, and helps families across our state get back to the Wisconsin way of life.

Our hard-earned tax dollars should not be used as gifts to well-connected special interests.

Urge Governor Evers TODAY to oppose tax hikes on Wisconsin families.

Click Here to Oppose Tax Hikes!

Evers’ Budget Fails Students

Students and families across Wisconsin deserve access to the best education possible, especially as schools across the state remain closed to in-person learning.

When students have access to an education that fits their individual needs, we know their futures will be brighter. Governor Evers’ budget proposal ignores this data and naively continues to fund classrooms, not students, and freezes families out of needed educational opportunities.

Contact Governor Evers today to tell him to stand with students, parents, and families to support solutions that ensure every Wisconsin student has access to the best education and the brightest future possible.

Click Here to Support Students

Protect Worker Freedom

Worker freedom is key to Wisconsin’s recovering economy. Governor Evers’ recent budget proposal would take away these freedoms, put holes in our families’ budgets, and slow our economic recovery.

Our families can’t afford these attacks on workers’ rights.  

Act 10 alone has saved Wisconsin taxpayers $14 billion, and now Governor Evers wants to roll back these proven cost savings.

Right to Work has provided thousands of workers the ability to use their First Amendment right of freedom of association to decide if they want to join a union, now Governor Evers wants to repeal these protections.

Urge Governor Evers to reconsider these attacks on worker freedom in his proposed budget.

Click Here to Support Workers

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