The Pathway to Prosperity

Americans for Prosperity-West Virginia’s Pathway to Prosperity is a bold roadmap to help principled policymakers rapidly transform the Mountain State into a better place to live, work, and raise a family. To do that, we encourage state leaders to rapidly adopt proven reforms that make quality healthcare more affordable and accessible, expand education freedom to every child, rein in state spending, cut taxes further – allowing Mountaineers to keep more of their hard-earned paychecks, and prudently remove unnecessary government red tape.

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While the recent work of the legislature has taken enormous strides toward breaking down the barriers that hold our citizens back, now is not the time to rest on our laurels. Instead, we must come together to double down on rapidly advancing freedom and opportunity to create more prosperity for every West Virginian. This is how we expand the American Dream.

There are four priority initiatives we are highlighting: 1) Education 2) Health Care 3) Cutting Red Tape 4) Reducing Taxes and Spending


We have made great progress toward empowering every parent to find the education that best suits their child’s unique needs. West Virginia should continue to be a leader in education innovation by enacting the broadest educational freedom laws in the nation.

To double down on West Virginia’s national leadership in education innovation, policymakers should seek to expand the Hope Scholarship to all school-aged children while also expanding flexibility in our education system. We can accomplish this by removing needless regulatory barriers that hold public school teachers back from transforming and providing students with the individualized education they warrant. Every child deserves the education that is right for them, regardless of income or ZIP code.

Health Care

Health care is too expensive and too complicated. That’s why policymakers must enact reforms that are proven to lower costs, increase access, and personalize health care. We must cut needless government red tape to increase access to quality health care at a price West Virginians can afford.

To start, all Certificate of Need (CON) laws should be repealed. These laws allow unelected bureaucrats to decide if your community deserves a new medical service. That’s not right. State policymakers have already repealed some CON laws in limited circumstances, but to transform healthcare in West Virginia, we must fully repeal all CON laws to usher in new, quality services for Mountaineers.

Cutting Red Tape

Policymakers must continue to fight back against President Biden’s federal overreach, as well as unelected state bureaucrats that threaten our way of life. State lawmakers should stand up to the special interests who have created a rigged economic system that benefits the few at the expense of all West Virginians. We do this by boldly but thoughtfully cutting needless red tape standing in the way of the average West Virginian from achieving their version of the American Dream. By continuing to transform the state’s regulatory environment, West Virginia can become a place where people and businesses come to grow, thrive, and innovate.

Reducing Taxes and Spending

As out-of-control spending from Washington continues to make life more expensive, state policymakers must enact policies that are proven to help every West Virginian to thrive. To help Mountaineers afford their version of the American Dream, policymakers should continue to reduce taxes so every West Virginia family can keep more of their hard-earned paychecks. Just like families across West Virginia must, the state government should live within its means. This means refocusing our spending priorities while reimagining how the government operates. Policymakers should rein in state spending, return as many dollars as possible to taxpayers, and significantly grow the economy in order to meet the needs for top spending priorities such as education, roads, and social services.

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The Mountain State has turned a corner, but we have many more steps to take to give West Virginians the greatest opportunity to reach their potential. It won’t happen overnight, but we believe in our state and we’re holding politicians accountable who defend the broken status quo. Sign here to endorse the Path to Prosperity!

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