Building Partnerships to Support Trade

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We Help Promote Trade Across Colorado

Trade Builds Colorado is working to highlight the importance of trade to Colorado by bringing together state business and community leaders across industries to build an enduring network of trade leaders.


Outdoor Retailer 2021

August 10th – 12th, 2021

Trade Builds Colorado will exhibit at the Outdoor Retailer 2021 trade show, North America’s largest tradeshow in the outdoor industry, to build partnerships with businesses and industry leaders to highlight the importance of free trade to the outdoor community.

Click Here for More Info

Trade & Agriculture Breakfast Roundtable

June 22nd, 2021

Join Trade Builds Colorado and the Colorado Farm Bureau to share your trade story as we bring together farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, logistics providers, and entrepreneurs to discuss the vital role that agriculture plays in Colorado’s economy and the impact of trade barriers on our economic recovery.

World Trade Day

May 20th and 21st, 2021

Do you want to learn more about trade topics such as E-Commerce, Cybersecurity, Supply Chains, Compliance Technology and Global Sustainability?

Trade Builds Colorado is proud to sponsor #WorldTradeDay, the largest international trade conference in the Rocky Mountain Region. Confirmed speakers include industry leaders from Zoom, Google, IBM, Square and more! #TradeBuildsColorado #TradeMatters #WorldTradeCenterDenver

US-UK Free Trade Agreement Discussion

Thursday, April 29th, 2021

How would a US-UK Free Trade Agreement impact industries like Healthcare & Telemedicine, Agriculture, Technology, and Aerospace?

Join us to hear from key stakeholders, including Alan Gogbashian, Consul General of the UK to learn more about the US-UK economic relationship, which is one of the largest and most important in the world, and how Colorado would benefit from a US-UK Free Trade Agreement.

Click Here To Read Our Most Recent News!

Do you own a business that’s impacted by trade?

Click Here to See Our Letter to the US Trade Representative

Our Partners

Story of the Week

Why We Are Doing This

We want to build a sustainable network of long-term allies on trade who can speak out when beneficial trade policies are threatened and mobilize to support new trade opportunities on the horizon.

By working together, across industries and communities throughout Colorado, we can better educate Colorado lawmakers about trade’s impact on job creation, supply chains, emerging industries and business growth.

We know that at a time of economic insecurity trade can often be an easy scapegoat. However, ensuring Colorado small businesses, farmers and manufacturers have access to global markets and consumers will be a key component of our state’s economic recovery.

We want to help provide a platform for our partners to amplify a pro-trade message across the state in the media, online and at events. We know that when businesses give first-hand accounts of how trade supports their employees and businesses it resonates with state leaders.

How Trade Powers Colorado’s Economy

Overall Annual Exports: $8.4 billion
Trade Dependent Jobs: Over 720,000
Largest Export Market: Canada
Manufacturing Exports: $7.3 billion
Businesses that Export: 5,582
Agricultural Exports: $1.7 billion

Small Businesses
Over 4,800 Colorado small businesses export to help expand their customer base and increase overall sales and profits. Jobs supported by goods exports pay up to an estimated 18 percent higher wages.

From beef to beer to wheat and dairy, the ag products Colorado farmers produce are sold around the world. Colorado’s farmers and state businesses depend on open, predictable markets across the globe for their exports.

Workers in manufacturing companies that produce exports earn wages 12 to 18 percent higher. Colorado’s manufacturing exporters depend on trade to continue the tremendous growth this sector has seen.

Trade provides Colorado consumers with lower prices and more choices. Average consumers gain an estimated 29 percent of their purchasing power from trade.

Did you know?

95% of the world’s customers are overseas. Expanded trade means that Colorado small business can access new markets and customers to help our farmers and businesses rebound.

American craft beer exports have increased 1,400 percent. With many of the country’s top craft breweries, Colorado will continue to benefit from this rapid expansion.

Tech is one of Colorado’s fastest growing industries employing hundreds of thousands across the state. The tech industry depends heavily on integrated, international supply chains.

Across the state of Colorado, Outdoor Recreation generates $28 billion in consumer spending, provides 229,000 direct jobs and pays $2 billion in state and local tax revenue every year. Reducing the trade burdens can help this industry rebound.

"Our economy is the envy of the nation but we can’t sit back. We must continue working to expand into new and emerging markets and create more good jobs in Colorado." – Colorado Governor Jared Polis

Join our Coalition and Let your Voice be Heard

Americans for Prosperity and Trade Builds America are committed to providing the resources to grow support for trade throughout Colorado. We know that the most effective way to do that is by building partnerships with respected business and community leaders. Our goal is to allow partners to easily plug in to campaign activities that they can lend their brand to without needing to expend their own financial resources.

We want this to be an open source campaign. As such, it will give your organization a chance to help guide our shared activities and will allow you to use the events and content we generate together to fuel your own trade activities.

As small businesses, farmers and manufacturers struggle to get back on their feet, its essential that we remind them and all Coloradans that trade is a essential to rebuilding the state’s economy.

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