Put $7,000 per child, per year of your tax dollars back under your control to use for the education that’s best for your child!
Welcome to a world of possibilities, where your child's education is personalized to suit the unique needs of your family. We believe in the transformative power of school choice. Empowering parents like you to make decisions about your child's education is key to unlocking their full potential.
Sign on to the letter below to tell your lawmakers you know what’s best for your children & you deserve full control back over your education tax dollars to decide how they’re educated.

Choice For Students
In simple terms, school choice means giving you, as a taxpaying parent, the ability to choose the educational path that aligns with your child's strengths, interests, and learning style. By putting parents back in control over deciding where/how your child is educated, school choice breaks down the one-size-fits-all approach, allowing families to explore diverse educational options. Each child is unique, and school choice ensures that there's a fitting educational environment for every individual.
Choice For Parents
Not all education settings work for all families. Now, more than ever, parents are faced with greater diversity & challenges in their careers, schedules, and responsibilities. You may currently love your public school but need the flexibility of a homeschooling or private school setting to help your family self-actualize. School choice enables all families to have greater control over their day-to-day lives by giving them back control over their education tax dollars and trusting them to do what’s best for their family.
Choice For Teachers
School choice isn’t just choice for parents & students, it’s choice for teachers as well! School choice has been proven to lead to greater satisfaction for teachers by giving them more control, greater autonomy, more career options, and a more competitive market for the labor. Learn More About What School Choice Means For Tennessee Teachers

Empowering Parents As Partners
School choice recognizes parents as active partners in their child's education. Your involvement in choosing the right educational path for your child fosters a sense of responsibility and commitment that positively impacts their learning journey.
Each family who participates in the Tennessee Freedom Scholarship Education Savings Account program will receive access to $7,000 per child, per year to put towards their child’s education costs in a private school or home-school setting if they decide to take their child out of public school. Parents who already have their child in a private school or home school setting will also be eligible for the program.
Regardless of whether your child is in a failing public school, you’re unhappy with the culture/curriculum being taught, or you just need a different setting for your family, universal school choice in Tennessee will empower all parents to do what’s best for their families.
Tailored Learning Environments
School choice allows you to tailor your child's learning experience, ensuring they receive an education that suits their specific needs and aspirations. This personalized approach often leads to increased engagement and a love for learning.
Higher Academic Achievement
Numerous studies show that students in school choice programs exhibit higher academic achievement. When parents can choose the best educational fit for their child, it creates an environment conducive to success & self-actualization.
A high-quality education has the power to change the trajectory of a child’s life, and there’s no question that now is the time to make school choice a reality for every Tennessee family.
Gov. Bill Lee
-MYTH: The universal Education Savings Account program will come with “strings attached” forcing public schools and home schools to adopt government curriculum & standards.
-FACT: This is disinformation meant to scare people into opposing a program they would greatly benefit from. If it actually wanted to, nothing is currently preventing the government from implementing standards/curriculum on private schools and home schoolers. The government could do so with or without giving people access to an ESA. Yet, it hasn’t done so. Why? Because state leaders and AFP-TN are vigilant in ensuring private schools and home schoolers retain their independence.
-MYTH: Governor Lee is introducing a “school voucher”.
-FACT: This is factually inaccurate & intellectually dishonest. Governor Lee’s Education Freedom Scholarship is an Education Savings Account (ESA). Opponents of School Choice are purposefully misleading people to believe it is a voucher because vouchers have a negative connotation associated with them. An ESA functions much in the same way as your Health Savings Account does, but for education expenses instead.
-MYTH: School Choice will “defund” public schools & force them to close down
-FACT: Tennessee’s ESA pilot program was passed in 2019. Since then, the public-school districts where the pilot program was implemented have been given more access to taxpayer funding than ever before in history.
Furthermore, there has never been an instance anywhere in the country where a public school was forced to close due to the state adopting school choice policies.
Additionally, school choice will lead to an even higher available portion of local funding on a per student basis- meaning local dollars would go further when it comes to public education.
Finally, more private schools opening their doors would also mean fewer local resources being spent on building/maintaining new schools so that those tax dollars could instead be spent on their existing public schools.
-MYTH: School choice is anti-teacher / anti-public-schools
-FACT: This is factually inaccurate & intellectually dishonest. School choice is extremely pro-teacher. In fact, those who argue against school choice are harming teachers by preventing them from having more choice. Learn more about how school choice benefits teachers & public education here.
At Americans for Prosperity - Tennessee, we champion school choice as a pathway to a brighter future for Tennessee's parents, children, & teachers.
Your journey in exploring education options starts here.
Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions for your child's education. Join us in creating a community where every child has the opportunity to thrive.
Ready to embrace the power of school choice? Sign our letter to lawmakers today to urge them to take action now. Together, we can unlock the potential within every child.
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