Personal Option Playbook

Americans for Prosperity needs your help. There are some who believe that the only way to make health care affordable is through a government-run system like a public option. But we know that a Personal Option is a better way to make sure everyone has access to affordable, quality care.

Keep scrolling to get the tools you need to talk about a Personal Option and spread the word to your friends and neighbors.

What Does a "Personal Option" Mean?

Personal Option is a set of smart, sensible reforms designed to put patients and doctors back in the driver’s seat on health care. Watch the video below to get a brief overview.

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Key Talking Points

Use these key talking points when talking with people you know or making your captions for social media:

– Personal Option will ensure that you have greater access to better quality care at a price you can actually afford.

– Personal Option ensures that government bureaucracy doesn’t come between you and the doctors you trust.

– Personal Option encourages transparency and eliminates red tape & confusion, giving you, the patient, more control.

– Personal Option is the opposite approach to proposals that would give government more control over your health care.

What Should You Include When Posting Online?

When posting on social media about this effort, here are the things to do:

1. Use the hashtag #PersonalOption
2. Include the website for others to get more information and get involved:
3. Use one of our key talking points.
4. Use one of the graphics found below.

Graphics to Use

Use the instructions below to save these images to your phone or computer, so you can use them when posting on social media!

– On Desktop: Right-click the image to save to your computer.
– On Mobile Phone: Click and hold the image and then add to your photo library.