How the lawsuit brought by Vouchers Hurt Ohio will hurt kids

What is the lawsuit against Ohio’s EdChoice scholarship program all about?

In Ohio, we have the right to speak freely, teach, and learn. We trust the government to protect that right.

Except when it doesn’t — and the lawsuit against Ohio’s EdChoice program is eroding that trust.

Ohio’s EdChoice program offers scholarships which benefit kids on the autism spectrum, kids with special needs, kids living in underperforming school districts, and kids living in poverty.

These scholarships allow families to put the per-pupil state funds that would normally follow their student to their public school district toward a different school of their choosing instead.

The net effect? When a student leaves their public school, that school now has MORE per-pupil dollars. All local funds stay in place, and there’s one less kid to teach.

Despite this benefit, Vouchers Hurt Ohio, a group comprised of several public school districts, is suing to shut down the EdChoice program.

Vouchers Hurt Ohio is suing to limit parental rights and reduce the number of educational options for families.

What happens if Vouchers Hurt Ohio wins?

Here are the consequences if Vouchers Hurt Ohio wins its lawsuit against the EdChoice voucher program:

  1. Students receiving the scholarship will lose their support.
  2. Families will have their rights and their educational options reduced.
  3. School boards will be emboldened to limit other parental rights: transparency, clear communication, the right to be involved in their child’s education, the right to speak at board meetings, and more.

We’ve seen this happen across the country.

What can you do to support the EdChoice Voucher program?

There are several ways you can support Ohio’s EdChoice Voucher program and protect families’ education options:

  1. Call your school president and ask them to take back their support for this lawsuit.
  2. Demand your school board pass the following resolution:

“Our school district is NOT taking a stand in the anti-family rights lawsuit, and we ask that the Vouchers Hurt Ohio coalition remove our school district from their website and all other materials. We do not support their lawsuit.”

Sign the petition asking your school board to support this parental bill of rights

Here’s the Bill
Here’s the online petition

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We believe every family is entitled to the following rights:

  1. Parents shall have the right to respect from their elected representatives on the school board and all staff, including teachers and administrators. Parents shall be treated with the same dignity and civility they extend to school officials.
  2. Parents shall have the right to access their child’s academic records, evaluations, and any other data or records that a school has compiled on their child.
  3. Parents shall have the right to ensure their child is reading and doing math on grade level and that their child graduates ready for postsecondary success.
  4. Parents shall have the right to know the credentials of their child’s teacher(s), including whether the teacher is teaching out-of-field.
  5. Parents shall have the right to know the amount of public funding being provided for their child’s education.
  6. Parents shall have the right to know how their child’s school performs relative to state standards and to other schools in the district of record.
  7. Parents shall have the right to enroll their child in courses that best meet the child’s needs, aptitudes and potential.
  8. Parents shall have the right to know what curriculum is being used in their child’s school as well as the homework assignments, assessments and other classwork expected to be completed by their child.
  9. Parents shall have the right to access digital devices and home broadband services to support the educational needs of their child.
  10. Parents shall have the right of access for their child to participate in accelerated coursework, work-based learning and other college and career readiness opportunities.

About Americans for Prosperity

Americans for Prosperity is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to removing barriers to freedom and opportunity for all Americans. We believe every person has unique potential, which is why we’re empowering families to protect their rights and advocate greater education options for students so every child can realize their gifts and develop them to the fullest in environments that support and affirm each family’s values.