Governor Evers’ policies will make it more expensive to live and work in Wisconsin.
Governor Evers’ policies would limit parents’ ability to choose the best education option for their children.
Governor Evers’ policies would take away worker freedom.
Governor Evers’ policies would limit access to quality, affordable health care.
The good news: you can help us fight back against these bad policies.
Governor Evers’ policies would make it more expensive to live and work in our state, take away opportunities from Wisconsin students, and limit access to quality health care.
We need to make sure our legislature continues stands strong against Evers’ irresponsible policies that increase taxes and spending, freeze education opportunities for our students, and take away worker freedom!
Together, we can make sure that Governor Evers’ bad policies are stopped and fight for a better future for all Wisconsinites!
Make sure your legislator knows we can’t afford Governor Evers’ policies!
Join us to fight for tax cuts, brighter futures for our kids, & to protect our worker freedom!
We are continuing to build a movement across Wisconsin to stand up against Governor Evers’ irresponsible policies.
Sign up today to join us in this movement to help make sure Governor Evers’ reckless policies do not impact our Wisconsin way of life!
It’s been tough recently for Wisconsin families. The last thing we need right now are policies that hike taxes, spend beyond our means, and risk even more inflation. But that’s exactly what Governor Evers’ failed policies do.
To add insult to injury, his policies would make it even more expensive to fill up at the gas pump and to pay our electricity and home heating bills. Hasn’t the past year been tough enough for our families without these reckless tax and spend policies?
We need policies that lower taxes, rein in spending and inflation, and help families across our state get back to the Wisconsin way of life. We don’t need Governor Evers’ tax hikes and spending sprees.
Urge Governor Evers today to stop risking more inflation with his tax and spend policies.
Students and families across Wisconsin deserve access to the best education possible.
When students have access to an education that fits their individual needs, we know their futures will be brighter. And when parents have the ability to be involved in choosing the best education for their kids, we know our entire state will benefit.
Governor Evers once said, “what’s best for our children is best for our state.” But his policies unfairly and needlessly limit the ability of parents and families to choose the best education for each child.
Under Governor Evers, Wisconsin students are falling behind: math and reading scores have continued to decline, achievement gaps are increasing, and we are still discovering just how bad learning loss was for students when schools were forced to close across the state.
Worker freedom is crucial for all Wisconsinites, especially in this current economy. Unfortunately, Governor Evers has not stood for worker freedom.
Governor Evers has proposed eliminating Right to Work, forcing thousands of workers in Wisconsin to join unions and pay dues, at a time when it is getting more and more difficult to afford groceries each week.
Governor Evers has proposed reinstating prevailing wage and project labor agreements on government projects, meaning taxpayers across the state will be on the hook for more costly projects. Taxpayers can’t afford even more government spending.
We need to urge Governor Evers to stand for worker freedom and stop trying to roll our economy backwards.
Urge Governor Evers to push back on President Biden’s Vaccination and Testing Mandate!.
Wisconsinites deserve access to quality, affordable health care.
But Governor Evers’ policies would put us on a path towards government run health care. That would mean higher costs, lower quality and less access for your family.
Governor Evers even recently vetoed a bill that would have increased access to high quality providers across the state. Instead of standing with patients, Governor Evers listened to special interests and continued to protect the current healthcare monopolies from any competition.
Tell Governor Evers he needs to stop restricting the work of nurses and support increased access to care.
Tell Governor Evers we don’t want more government in our health care!
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