ICYMI: AFP-Kansas Talks Renewing Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act with Rep. Ron Estes

Jan 22, 2025 by AFP

Wichita, KS—Recently, Americans for Prosperity-Kansas (AFP-KS) touted the launch of a new national campaign called Protect Prosperity which aims to urge lawmakers in D.C. to renew President Trump’s highly successful Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) which is set to expire at the end of the year.

U.S. Congressman Ron Estes (KS-04) and Member of the Ways and Means Committee joined AFP-KS on a telephone townhall with Kansans to discuss what is on the line should President Trump’s tax cuts not be renewed by Congress. Thousands of constituents called in to hear from Congressman Estes and ask questions.

AFP-KS State Director, Liz Patton, said, “As we move past the failed policies of the left and economic decisions that have grown inflation and hurt our economy for the long term for many Kansas families, we instead want to look forward to opportunities that we have in order to Protect Prosperity and make President Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent.”

Reflecting on the TCJA passage in 2017, Congressman Estes noted, “We wanted to focus on tax policy that helped with our economic growth and helped to make sure more people had more money in their pocket […] What we saw was huge success out of that starting in 2018, we saw wages going up and we saw some of the highest growth in the economy as well.”

Rep. Estes also expressed, “Unfortunately now with Bidenflation that we’ve been suffering for the last four years, those salary gains haven’t compensated for what people are having to spend […] Now that we have Republican majorities in the House, Senate, and White House we can actually focus on good policy.”

Covering the range of tax priorities Members will have this Congress and ways to get them accomplished, AFP Vice President of Government Affairs, Akash Chougule, stated, “Our priority at AFP is making sure that we have the most pro-growth tax bill possible.”

To learn more about AFP’s support for renewing President Trump’s tax cuts visit ProtectProsperity.com.
